Tagged with children

HELLP Syndrome Awareness – My Story

HELLP Syndrome Awareness – My Story

Every mom has a story about the day their baby(s) entered the world and mine is no different. People might assume that pregnancy and delivery come with a few “discomforts” but it seems the most serious are rarely talked about. Three weeks before my due date and 3 days before my maternity leave, I started … Continue reading

The Kind of Love

There is a kind of inexplicable love. The kind of love that you cannot know until you’ve held it in your arms. The kind of love that grows from the inside out. A love so holy and pure that it hurts. This love grows deeper with every cry, every sleepless night and every smile. It … Continue reading

Tales From a First Time Mom

It’s a funny thing. Parenthood. The biggest responsibility of your life. A small human that shares half of your DNA is now living in the world. Your friends and family members with kids will tell you horror stories of blow-out diapers, baby puke on clothes, leaking breast milk at work and all the things you … Continue reading